Creating a new promo code is a great way to attract customers and boost sales

    It also allows you to track how well a promotion is performing.

    Follow the steps below to set up a new promo code.

    Step-by-step guide on creating a new promo code

    Step 1: Access the Promotions Section

    • Navigate to the left-hand menu and click on “Promotions.”
    • Select “New Promo” from the options provided.

    Step 2: Fill in the Promotion Details

    • Summary
      • Promo Code: Enter a unique promo code in all caps with no spaces or special characters. Alternatively, click “Generate” to create a random code.
      • Promotion Description: Provide a brief description of the promotion (maximum 200 characters).
    • Types
      • Select the type of promotion:
        • Percentage: Discount given as a percentage.
        • Fixed Amount: Discount given as a fixed monetary amount.
    • Details
      • Discount in percentage (%): If you selected Percentage, enter the discount percentage.
    • Applies To
      • Choose where the promo code applies:
        • All Products: The discount applies to all products in the store.
        • Specific Categories: The discount applies to selected categories.
        • Specific Products: The discount applies to selected products.

    Step 3: Set Usage Limits and Validity

    • Usage Limits
      • Limited to one use per customer: Each customer can use the promo code only once.
      • No limits on usage: The promo code can be used an unlimited number of times.
      • Limit total number of times this promo code can be used: Set a specific limit on the number of times the promo code can be used.
    • Valid Between
      • Start Date: Enter the start date for the promotion using the format dd/mm/yyyy.
      • End Date: Enter the end date for the promotion using the format dd/mm/yyyy.

    Step 4: Save the Promotion

    • Once all the necessary information is filled in, click the “Save” button located at the top right corner of the screen.

    Tips for success

    • Ensure the promo code is unique to avoid conflicts with existing promotions.
    • Provide a clear and concise description to inform customers about the promotion.
    • Double-check the validity dates to ensure the promotion runs as intended.
    • Use the “Generate” button for promo codes to quickly create secure and unique codes.

    Your new promo code will engage your customers, and is sure to drive sales!

    Discover how you to search for promo codes, and more about Little Big Shop’s marketing features.

    Happy promoting!

    in Marketing