Local Delivery

    You can enable delivery within a specific area using a radius or postcodes.

    • Click the toggle on the top right section to activate the option
    • Select the ‘Add Local Delivery’ button
    local delivery option
    • Enter the area name
    • Set the area by Radius or Postcodes


    In this example, we run through how to set the area by Radius:

    • Enter the Address and the radius in km which you will deliver to
    • Provide an estimated delivery time and a delivery rate
    • You can choose to apply free shipping if the order is over a certain amount
    • Select the ‘Add Area’ button
    local delivery


    To set the area by postcode:

    • Select the ‘Postcodes’ radio button
    • Add the postcodes in the field separating each postcode with a comma
    • Provide an estimated delivery time and a delivery rate
    • You can choose to apply free shipping if the order is over a certain amount
    • Select the ‘Add Area’ button
    postcodes local delivery

    Allow store pickup

    You can set up the option for customers to pick up their online orders at a particular location.

    • Click the toggle on the top right section to activate the option
    • Enter the store name or pickup location
    • Enter the address
    • You can repeat the above two steps as many times as required
    • In Pickup Instructions, provide some information to your customers, such as store hours.
    allow store pickup

    Leave a message for your customer

    • Type something in the box to leave a message for your customer
    • This message will appear in the shopping cart and customer invoice page
    allow store pickup

    Product specific shipping

    Sometimes a product may have different shipping requirements. For example, you may need to charge more to ship large and bulky items. To do this, you will need to add the additional shipping cost at the product level.

    • Go to Products, search and select the product you want to include extra shipping costs for
    • In the product detail, scroll to the bottom right of the screen to the ‘Product specific shipping’ panel
    • Select the option that best applies to the product and enter the required information where necessary
      • ‘Free shipping for this product’ ensures this product is not included in the total shipping cost in the cart, specifically if you have ‘Price based’ or ‘Weight based’ shipping regions set up
      • Selecting ‘Additional shipping’ drops down a field where you can enter an extra dollar amount to ship this product
      • ‘Product weight’ is where you enter the weight of the product, which is applied if you have a ‘Weight based’ shipping option set up.
    product specific shipping
    in Shipping