* NOTE: The Membership feature is only available to customers on the Big subscription plan.
    Membership needs to have been activated in your Settings menu > Features. *

    The customer membership feature allows merchants to provide member only pricing and products, as well as restrict certain payment types to members only.
    From your Little Big Shop admin Dashboard, click on the ‘Customers’ menu item in the left hand navigation.

    Search membership

    Select the third tab titled ‘Search membership’.

    search membership

    Search on one or more of the following filters:

    • Membership number
    • Expiry date: click on the calendar icon and select a date range from and to
    • Status

    Clicking on the ‘Search’ button without entering any information in the above fields will return all results.

    Search results

    Your search results will display in a table underneath.

    search membership

    Membership details

    To view the membership details, click on the Member number. This link will take you to the membership number details.

    From this screen, you are able to update:

    • Membership number
    • Status: Active or Expired
    • Expiry date: click in the date field and select a date from the calendar

    Click the ‘Save’ button to save your changes.

    membership details

    Assigned to

    Back on the Search membership results list, clicking on the name that the membership number is assigned to will take you to the Customer profile screen.
    From here, you can update the customer details including the membership number for that particular customer, and whether membership is switched on or off for them.

    Export your search results

    You can export and download your search results into a .xls file by selecting the ‘Export search results’ button at the top right of the screen.

    search results members
    in Manage Customers